Jakobson's Six Functions Of Communication

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Agenda setting theory states that, if news is covered frequently and prominently it will be acknowledged by the audience as more important. (Beciu 2009, 71) The theory was intended to apply to the news media, although there were certain exceptions in cases where it has been applied to other areas of the media covering messages that were transmit to audiences.
1.7. The functions of communication:

Roman Jakobson defined six functions of language, according to which an effective act of verbal communication can be described. This system of functions that was proposed by Jakobson, is the most commonly used in the sphere of linguists and those who study languages. The messages formulated by people of the media, should focus on the information to …show more content…

This function aims to draw the attention of the receiver. (Szabo 1999, 129-130)
The fourth poetic function focuses on the message for its own sake and is the operative function of poetry as well as slogans. It is one of the most important functions in communication, its purpose being to transmit the information to the public. Here consistency is very important in order to be understood by the public opinion. The poetic function can be identified in the press in cases when the presenter uses metaphors, figures of speech and parallelism in order to capture the attention of the audience. (Szabo 1999, 139)
The fifth function is the phatic function. It is associated with the channel that transmits the message between the transmitter and the receiver. The phatic function can be observed in greetings and casual discussions. It also provides the keys to open, maintain, verify or close the communication channel. Once the message reaches the receiver it must be decode to be understood. The inconsistency between what was sent and what has reached the addressee, is caused by the background noise. (Szabo 1999, …show more content…

This function is specific to the coding and decoding of the message. In order to the transmission of information to take place there needs to be a common code of communication between the transmitter and receiver. Communication involves the encoding of messages that are carried out by the transmitter, where information is structured in a statement using the rules of logic and grammar, and a decoding operation, performed by the receiver that uses the same rules of logic and grammar to decode the message. (Szabo 1999, 174)
1.8. Verbal communication:
Verbal communication is used in everyday life because it favors transmission of information and is necessary for interpersonal relationships between humans. Verbal communication uses the written word as a means of communication (written communication) and verbalization (oral communication). A common language is also needed in the case of any type of communication process, so the exchange of information can take place.
1.8.1. Oral communication:
Oral communication is the main form of communication; it refers to the spoken language and is more effective as a “social chain” than written communication. With oral communication people can communicate among themselves, face to face, so that their relations are established easier and faster, pronounced word having a stronger effect upon people then written