Conceptual Definition Of Aging

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Definitions “Aging is a biological process, experienced by mankind in all times. However, concern for aging of population is a relatively new phenomenon, which has a raised due to significantly large increase in the number and proportions of aged persons in the society” Aging and its problems. Aging may be viewed as a biological process, psychological and social development process of individuals including transition in social position, roles, status and attitude. This makes it necessary to look into the various aspects of their problems, social, economic, psychological health and other allied aspects. In the traditional joint families infirmities were taken care of by the individuals, immediate circle of relations and family members. Older …show more content…

There are basically two categories of abuse viz. Domestic elder abuse and Institutional abuse. Definitions At a conceptual level the Council favours the following definition: (Action on Elder Abuse 1995) Conceptual definitions Conceptual definitions detail the crucial attributes of the concept, distinguishing them from other concepts. One of the most commonly accepted conceptual definitions of elder abuse was proposed by Johnson (1986, pp. 167-196). The definition is very wide and abstract: a state of self or other inflicted suffering unnecessary to the maintenance of the quality of life of the older person . 1. Abuse – A single, or repeated action, or a lack of appropriate that causes harm or distress to a person. 4. Dementia – a non-specific set of symptoms that result in the loss of mental and eventually physical …show more content…

Health Deficiencies – A classification of survey deficiency that specifically puts the health of a resident at risk. Health risks can be mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual. 7. Ombudsman – A state wide program set up to ensure elders at home or in a long-term care facility have an advocate for when they feel their rights are being violated or threatened. TYPES OF ELDER ABUSE AND NEGLECT The National Center for Elder Abuse defines even different types of elder abuse: physical abuse; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; financial abuse; exploitation; neglect; abandonment; and self and self neglect. • Physical Abuse, Use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment. • Sexual Abuse, Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind with an elderly person. • Emotional Abuse, Infliction of anguish, pain, or distress trough verbal or non-verbal acts. • Financial / material exploitation, Illegal or improper use of an elder’s funds, property, or assets. • Neglect, Refusal or failure to fulfill any part of a person’s obligations or duties to an elderly persons. • Active neglect (refusal or failure to undertake a caretaking obligation, including a conscious and intentional attempt to inflict physical or emotional distress on the older