Agricultural Revolution Research Paper

551 Words3 Pages

The Agricultural Revolution was when the people grew an excess amount of agriculture and created a food surplus, which lead to tool making and job specialization. People argue that the Agricultural Revolution was a huge advancement in mankind, but it really wasn’t, it was more of a tragedy. The Agricultural Revolution was tragedy because skeletons from this time were not as healthy, man had to be constantly changing the natural environment, and farming was so much work, time, and effort for the farmers. Many people believe that the Agricultural Revolution was a tragedy for humankind because the diet and skeleton of farmers was not as healthy as the hunters and gatherers diets. The diet of hunters and gatherers mainly consisted of meat, which contained protein. Although, foragers gathered smaller and easily accessible foods, such as, fruits, berries, nuts, wild grains, and wild grasses. This diet ideally contained all or most of the food groups that humans need. Farmers on the other hand, their diet mainly consisted of grains and wheats, things that you can grow and not have to move around to acquire. This wasn’t ideal because they were missing out on all of this meat and protein. They were also missing out on encephalization - the growth and development of the …show more content…

To keep feeding the people as the population grows, man had to vastly change the environment. Since the population in growing, more people need food, so farmers would have to expand their production. They could do this be expanding their existing farms or make more farms. Farmers also need more seeds to plant more crops. This was not an issue in the Paleolithic Age, because there was no food surplus and everyone was practically a meal from starvation. There wasn’t an excess amount of food so there weren’t as many babies being born, thus causing not as much food to be