As a registered nurse, I had admitted countless of patient in the hospital I work at. As part of our facility 's admission questioner, we nurses are required to ask our patient or their loved ones (or caregiver) if patient has any Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD) or Provider Orders For Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST). Furthermore, our facility has two different forms, AHCD (authored by our facility) and POLST (authored by Kokua Mau). In reviewing these two forms, it appears that the AHCD is more comprehensive that the POLST. The AHCD covers what is asked on the POLST with additional questioner on pain relief, patient able to appoint an alternate to the designated agent, able to appoint an alternate to the alternate designated agent, patient is able to limit the agents authority by allowing the patient specify the limitations, and allows the patient to donate his/her organs or body upon the patient 's death. However, the POLST has one thing that the AHCD did not have, Section E, Surrogate selected by consensus of interested persons. I think having this section takes away the question who is going to make the decision for the patient in the situation where …show more content…
POLST or AHCD, I believe is a delicate subject talk about and the patient or their loved ones may not be comfortable talking to me about it since I have not establish that warm rapport just yet. In addition, most of the patients are more concern about getting information about their plan of care and getting some rest after waiting in the emergency room for several hours prior to being admitted on the unit. Once I sense that my patient is comfortable with me; I feel more at ease asking them about AHCD or