
Explain The Concept Of Outcome Base Practice In Health And Social Care

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In health and care setting, there are many legislations and regulations have addressed the concept of outcome base practice which will have impact on the working relationship with carers, families and individuals.

To begin with the impact of the legislations and regulations will have on employees can be illustrated by the Equality Act 2010. According the Act there is no discrimination would be made against people who are on the list of nine characteristics (race, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion or belief, being a transsexual person, having just had a baby or being pregnant, being married or in a civil partnership and age). However, the home manager may need to make the decision during the recruitment process in favour of someone who is able to speak foreign …show more content…

The best interest need to be used for those resident who lacking mental capacity, according to the Act, for some significant decisions, which requires the contribution of opinions from their family members. For example, when it comes to the end of life care, the main concern for care staff in the home is to ensure resident is pain free and preserve their dignity. So one of the issues to be discussed between care staff and family at that stage of resident’s care is whether to have ‘Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate (DNAR)’ form in place. For those resident who did not have advanced decision regarding the issue or those who lacked the mental capacity to make the decision, their family member will be consulted. A best decision will be made based on resident’s best interest. Without involving family member, care staff may make the decision against resident’s personal wishes, preference and also against law. Besides if the family member has Power of Attorney for welfare, they have the right to make the decision for the

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