Evidence Based Practice Model

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The theory of evidence based practice is not only an approach that targets for quality of patients but also highly improves the level of accountability in the health care sector by promoting a life-time learning process. Evidence based practice addresses the compulsory need for quality research evidence and quality practice all in struggle to support the care of a patient. Below is a brief description of the five models of evidence based practice(“ LibGuides at Oregon Health & Science University,” n.d.). Ask: Get some information about the consideration of people, groups, or populaces. Acquire: Secure the best accessible proof with respect to the inquiry. Critically appraise: Fundamentally assess the proof for legitimacy and materialness …show more content…

It is therefore, of great importance that the medical professional in charge of a given patient, in this case a TKA patient follow all the five models of evidence based practice. This will ensure that patients get quality care while at the same time the professionals get to improve their experiences(“EBP in Nursing,” n.d.). It is important that medical practitioners gather enough info about the patient they are dealing with especially in the “ask” model. This will enable them come up with the best care and also aid in guiding them on what information they are to research on. Furthermore, it is important that the medical practitioners prepare the patient(s) on what is to happen so that they know what to expect and also prescribe a post-operative guide which has to be followed until the patient has fully recovered. Which model(s) would you recommend for implementation to this research problem? …show more content…

Conclude your paper with your recommendation of which of the model(s) would best be applied to the research problem and why? According to (“Anesthesia-E-ssential-October-1-2012,” n.d.), While patient-controlled IV absence of pain is normal and considered powerful to lower the danger of perioperative hypothermia, Canadian scientists set out to figure out whether temperature. Complete knee arthroplasty patients were randomly investigated and subjected to a system that frequently triggers perioperative hypothermia. Every one of the patients got bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia and intrathecal morphine; however half of them were secured with standard warm covers, while the other half wore outfits with convenient warming units that blow warmed air. Handheld remotes permitted patients to control their outfit's temperature. The examination found that not just were the single-use outfits compelling in alleviating hypothermia risk, patients utilizing them required less postoperative opioids and reported more prominent comfort with warmth than did those with standard covers. The group ascribed those outcomes to the predominant temperature control of the outfits which may have enhanced the general perioperative experience for those patients, reducing so as to include their

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