Ain T Your Mama Gender Roles

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A text can be any form of a medium that conveys an idea or a message to an audience. The most commonly thought of texts are typically pieces of literature, but a text isn’t necessarily something you have to read. A music video can also be a text because it is taking a message and creating a video for an audience to better understand that message. Artists use a combination of different roles and characters, wardrobe and lyrics in order to bring their message to life. In her most recent music video for “Ain’t Your Mama”, Jennifer Lopez used stereotypes of women’s roles from different time periods to suggest that women have become more empowered to break through gender barriers. I will be reading this text by looking at the stereotypes of women …show more content…

The video starts off with Jennifer Lopez as a news anchor pleading to women to get angry by stating that they are being taken for granted and ignored. These words elicit a response in the different characters portrayed in the video. After hearing those words, each of the women in the video are motivated to make a change in their life and stand up for themselves by lashing out against the men who are seen as holding them back. Throughout the song, Jennifer Lopez uses the lyrics to assert her position that women are in fact capable of accomplishing more than just cooking and cleaning. “Ain’t Your Mama” uses lyrics such as, “I ain't gon' be cooking all day, I ain't your mama” and “I ain't gon' do your laundry, I ain't your mama” to support the claim that women have grown more empowered to step away from gender role stereotypes. The video is meant to be a source of empowerment for women. It is meant to encourage women to continue to strive for respect. The fact that a successful woman in the pop music industry is singing a song, and broadcasting a video, that asserts that women are independent and capable of doing more things than taking care of men show how much progression has been