Air France Flight 4590 Research Paper

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Air France Flight 4590
I was staying in Charles de Gaulle in France. After a long week of business with the French government, I was finally allowed to return to my small, dusty, and cramped apartment in New York. I was eager to return home and be with my family again.I felt anxious as the impending 3 hour trip aboard the highly debated Concorde aircraft. The concorde was the first of its kind, being able to fly at Mach 2 (1350 Mph) Supersonic speeds, It flew so fast that friction caused the hull of the aircraft to rise in temperature and stretch the aircraft's length about 7 or so inches. Or was it the sense of being home again and not being out there.
“Nous sommes now boarding passagers de première classe” I slightly understood what the ticket lady said. My French was weak but ever since working with the French government, I decided to make their lives a little easier by learning French so they wouldn’t have to call a translator every time we had a meeting. I stood up from the black leather seat and started in a slow, professional pace towards the lady. The ticket lady seemed like a bright …show more content…

My wife grabbed me by the shoulder which cause me to swerve the car. “Look! That plane is on fire!” I immediately told my wife to pull out her camera. She filmed the aircraft continue in a straight path towards what seemed certain doom. I watched in horror as the aircraft banked to the left completely turning so that the nose of the plane was pointing towards the sky. Other bystanders were slowing their automobiles down to nearly a complete stop. The plane began to rapidly lose its fight with gravity and plummet to the earth below. After it escaped our view and disappeared into the treeline, it was replaced with a cloud of thick, black, smoke that continued into a mushroom form. The trees were the first to feel the shockwave, birds fluttered for a new place to land. The car shook and alarms from cars started to go

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