Airedale's Fault In The Family

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Mother tended to blame others for the Airedale 's actions he did not bite the family as often as he bit strangers. In the years that they had Muggs he bit everybody but mother. Muggs was always sorry after he bit someone. One incident was when Muggs bit Roy with a vicious bite on the leg. Muggs was all done, he does not bite anyone more than once. Mother always said that he had a quick temper, but he did not hold a grudge. (pg3) Another incident was when Muggs bit the congressman. Mother sent him a box of candy that Christmas. The congressman sent it back because he thought that it was poisoned. Mother said “ I would not be associated with such a man. ” “Muggs could read him like a book.” (pg2)
In addition another incident was when Mrs. Detweiler