Alan Turing's Life And Accomplishments

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Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician born December 10, 1815, in London, England, and died November 27, 1852. Her father was a free-spirited poet while her mother was very rigid (Meriwether, 2014). Ada’s parents separated shortly after her birth, and Ada was left to the care of her mother (Meriwether, 2014). Her mother feared Ada would be weak and free-spirited like her father, so Ada’s mother hired tutors who were only allowed to teach her mathematics and science (Meriwether, 2014). Ada lived with virtually no interaction with others until she turned eighteen (Meriwether, 2014). Once she turned eighteen, she began participating in different parties and balls (Meriwether, 2014). Since Ada had so much schooling in mathematics, she …show more content…

Turing contributed greatly to applied mathematics as he specialized in computability theory, logic, and statistics (Crepeau, 2015). Turing was a student at the Sherborne School during his early years (Crepeau, 2015). Turing was an exceptional student of math and science and won many prizes in mathematics even though he solved the problems through unusual methods (Crepeau, 2015). Turing wrote his first major paper in 1936 where he described a machine that could perform operations on tape (Crepeau, 2015). What Turing was basically describing in this paper was a computer (Crepeau, 2015). This was a major contribution to mathematics because it was the first present day work on the theory of computation (Crepeau, 2015). Another major contribution to mathematics was when he designed his own computer (Haeusler, 2012, p. 489). Turing also wrote reports on programming (Haeusler, 2012, p. 489). Turing made many important contributions to computational theory as he led the automatic computing engine team at the National Physical Laboratory (Haeusler, 2012, p. 489). A major event that happened during the life of Alan Turing was World War One. The war started in 1914 and ended in