The Bobo Doll Experiment By Albert Bandura

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FAMOUS EXPERIMENT # 7 BANDURAS BOBO DOLLS INCLUDE IMAGES OF THE RESEARCHER AND FROM THE STUDY IN YOUR EXPERIMENT WRITE UP. WHEN WAS THE RESEARCH CONDUCTED? Albert Bandura conducted the Bobo Doll Experiment in 1961 and 1963. WHAT TOPIC DOES THIS FAMOUS EXPERIMENT ADDRESS? Albert Bandura’s main topic of interest of which he tested was, aggression. WHO WERE THE RESEARCHERS OR PSYCHOLOGISTS INVOLVED? The lead psychologist in the Bobo Doll Experiment was Canadian Psychologist Albert Bandura at Stanford University. DISCUSS THE ETHICS OF THIS EXPERIMENT AND INDICATE IF ANY MAY HAVE BEEN BREACHED. When conducting an experiment there are six ethical principals, which must be obeyed. They include, Informed Consent, Voluntary Participation, Withdrawal …show more content…

From a biological perspective, elements that are able to influence aggression includes, genetic influences, neural influences and biochemical influences. Genetic Influences suggests that aggression can be inherited. Research shows that there have been successful attempts at breeding highly aggressive strains of certain animals, such as, mice and rabbits. Overall psychologist believe that our genetic make-up may influence whether or not we are a more aggressive person; however, our environmental factors also play a crucial part in determining wether we do in fact become an aggressive person or if we are pre-disposed to use aggressive behaviour. Neural Influences involves understanding that aggression is not solely formed in one particular area of the brain. Yet, researchers have identified several different parts of the brain involved in the production and control of aggressive behaviour, these included the hypothalamus and the amygdala. The hypothalamus is section of the brain, which helps form new memories, coordinates both the automatic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary. The amygdala is involved with experiencing