Albert Einstein's Theory Of Relativity

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In the very beginning of 20th century a young German physicist of age 26 named Albert Einstein showed that how measurement of time and space are affected by motion between an observer and what is being observed. There is no other opinion in this fact that Theory of relativity had brought a new revolution in the era of physics. Relativity connects space and time, matter and energy, electricity and magnetism-links that are crucial to our understanding of this physical universe. From relativity have come host of remarkable predictions, all of have been confirmed by experiments. For all their profundity, many of the conclusions of relativity can be reached with only the simplest mathematics.
Einstein published two papers of relativity. …show more content…

In Newtonian mechanics, it has been said that two bodies exert a force of gravitation on each other. Let’s take an example of Solar System In our solar system Earth goes around the Sun. Per Newtonian Mechanics Sun exert a larger amount of attractive gravitational force in turn creates a centripetal force on Earth since Earth’s velocity is much greater and perpendicular to that of gravitational pull. But As Einstein worked on general theory of relativity, he realized that there occurs a distortion in the fabric of space-time due to massive objects. It can also be interpreted in this way, set a large body in the centre of a trampoline. The body would create a dimple in fabric. A cricket rolled around the edge would spiral inward toward the body, pulled in much the same way that the gravity of a planet pulls at rocks in …show more content…

Gravitational Redshift: Per ‘Gravitational Redshift’ the wavelength of EM radiation will become longer as it rises of a gravity well. Photons must expend energy to escape, but at this instants Photon must always travel at the speed of light 3x10^8 m/s, so this energy must be lost through a change of frequency rather than a change in speed. If the energy of the photon decreases, the frequency also decreases hence there occurs an increase in the wavelength of the photon, or a shift to the red end of the EM spectrum. That’s why this got the name: gravitational redshift. This effect was proved experimentally in the 1960s.The converse of this phenomenon is also existing. The observed wavelength of a photon falling into a gravity well will be become shorter, or gravitationally ‘blueshifted’, because it will gain