Albert I: My Hero's Mission

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Albert I There are many brave astronauts that have participated, and even given their lives, in the quest to put human beings into space. But before those astronauts had a chance to take flight, there was a long line of other creatures that paved the way for human spaceflight. The first monkey to be sent into space was Albert I, a male rhesus monkey, the first to start this history of our journey into space for the rest of time. Albert I was not considered a ‘successful’ mission because he did not reach the fifty mile mark, which is supposedly the end of Earth’s atmosphere, and the beginning of deep space. But, Albert II’s mission had reached 134 kilometers, or 83 miles on June 14th, 1949. Although, his mission did not end in success as a result of a problem with the parachute on the recovery capsule, it sadly led Albert II to his death from the force of the impact upon landing. Albert II became the alleged first monkey in space. …show more content…

These life-science missions have included experiments involving human astronauts, as well as many animals, and even insects. Over the past 50 years, American and Soviet scientists have taken advantage of the animal world for testing. Despite many losses, these animals have taught the scientists a tremendous amount more than they could have learned without them. Without the use of animal testing within the human space program, it is said, the Soviet and American programs could have suffered great losses of human life. Although animal life is just as important. These animals performed a service to their respective countries that no human could have, or would have ever performed first. They gave their lives and their service in the name of technological advancement, and the future of space travel, paving the way for humanity 's long inroad into space. Thanks to Albert I, this long history for the biggest step of the human race was