
Alcoholic Informative Speech

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Some people think that being the Alcoholic in the family is the hardest part of the whole thing. But I am here to show you that it's not being the Alcoholic that is the hardest part, its dealing with them thats hard. Their own effects on different parts of the family like unborn children, children in general, and the spouse. There are also different roles in the family that the family members take up, some of them help the Alcoholic and some don't.
A lot of people think that Alcoholics can only have effects on the people that are in their family currently. But what if the Alcoholic is a woman and they are pregnant, it could have a lot of effects on the unborn child, because each time a pregnant woman drinks they pass the drug onto their child. A pregnant woman drinking could give their child FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), that could cause the physical and mental things wrong with the child. Not only that but it cause them to have seizures, delayed development, and poor growth. The worst part is that their really no way that could fix the problems fully, but their are some things that could make the child reach the best that the …show more content…

When your husband or wife becomes a drinker the spouse begins to make excuses for the spouse. No matter how bad he or she gets when they drink the spouse always wants to protect the drinker so that they don't have to ask for help when they actually need it. Sometimes the spouse will also just act like there is no problem at all, so they can avoid the financial side of the problem for paying for treatment, and keeping it a secret and acting like there isn't problem they think will cause less chaos in the family. But that isn't true trying to keep all the feelings inside will just cause more problems in the family, the pain will just keep spreading through the family while the drinker continues to drink

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