Alcoholics Anonymous Assignment

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I used to belong to a group called Alcoholics Anonymous. Some might say it was a stimulation I sought that led me there. Stimulation's that share qualities is a way I identify generalities to help me make sense of the world (Bodenhausen, Kang, & Peery, 2011). That sounds like a positive way to say I enjoy alcoholic treats. The group Alcoholics Anonymous defines itself with a set of twelve questions, if one answers these questions in a certain manner they might want to find a group and join (Is A.A. for, 1973). Alcoholism can cause a problem for some people and the group is meant to have a place for them to go to get help, companionship, and a place to make sense of the world. When I went there it was a court requirement. From my understanding though the only requirement to be a member is to decide one has a problem with alcohol, and there is no way to be kept out unless one is being unlawful. The “normal cognitive process” for a person to identify their group is to enhance the in-group and deface the out-group (McLeod, 2008). There is a grand feeling and general sense of well being in the reassuring fact of belonging to a group. Supporting the others in a group is a way to connect with humans and this is why the group is a group. Unless one wanted solitude, it feels good to …show more content…

God seems to be a big part of that showing up in a few of them at a quick glance (The twelve steps, n.d.). When one is ready to admit alcoholism and agree to the steps they will be on their way to positive change is the idea. Being the “fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States, alcohol-related deaths” are a serious identifier of what anybody knows that this group is about. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that humans care about each other enough to form a group like this. At the time I was offended at having to go, but I did learn a lot once I pushed that chip off my