Alexander Hamilton Accomplishments

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Alexander Hamilton, one of our most prominent founding fathers have been a staple point in American history. He is seen as one of the most controversial characters in his time with drama coming from all sides. Later leading to his death. With his created of the first Bank of America and all his policies he can be credited for America’s strength when it comes to finances. His personality is also a driving force be he was the most unfortunate father. He was born in the Caribbeans but shipped out to the Americas because of his academic success. When coming he had so much success in the government which led him to shape things to it’s vision. Also it also good to mention that people call his personality out for the back things it could also be …show more content…

This could be a sense of Nationalism, as we discussed in the socratic circle. The National Bank overall this country financially superior. It had it's problems like the Panic of 1792 but with new reform and tariffs we got through …show more content…

His deal to let the south (at the time), have claims to the capital but in return have his way with his new plans. The capital was to keep the economy prosperous on many levels. Since America was growing rapidly Hamilton was advised by the french prime minister to keep government bonds instead of statebond just to keep safe. This plan helped America majorly. I can’t be denied that Alexander Hamilton was an economic genius, he was indeed a man with a plan. In the text Roberts tried to make counterclaims to the arguments and picking out the flaws of his plan. Obviously there would be flaws to any big plans and they are only room for improvement from then. Alexander Hamilton is a visionary thinker never the less, and that was claimed to him by many. Hamilton’s system of favoring the city over the countryside in the economic system helped us leap forward and make us more enlightened and more tolerant . A truly utopian