Alexander Hamilton's Dilemmas

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Alexander Hamilton was in charge of fixing the finances of the nation. The main issue was the huge debt the United States had after the Revolution that just kept building up. Hamilton proposed an excise tax. He wanted to tax the production sale or consumption of a commodity on distilled whiskey production in the United States. This was to help establish the authority of the government, to levy internal taxes on its citizens. Another proposition he had, was to form a national bank; which would be known as the Bank of the United States. Hamilton based this idea off the Bank of England. This bank would be owned by the federal government and private investors. The purpose of the bank would be to use it as a financial and depository agent of the government. This would help the nation have a stable currency. His goal was to strengthen the economy and to combine the power of the national government. Additional, Hamilton wanted the government to promote the industry. His reason was, he believed the United States would never have great power, unless the U.S. varied its largely agrarian economy. Hamilton advocated aid to protect tariffs. Hamilton assumed that “patronage” would lead …show more content…

On the other hand, Jeffersonian wanted predominantly agrarian republic based on a spread of equality for white man families. The Jeffersonian also agreed with the spread of slavery. To them this helped promote unity among free white men. Another thing they believed in was that the original intent of the constitution, was to return back to its simple federal ways. Once Jefferson targeted the political character, he held all arch federalist in the office, of misusing their office; they were instantly dismissed. Later, republicans filled their positons; leaving the republicans in all appointive positons by the time Jefferson left the presidency in