
Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Alexander the Great served as king of Macedonia from 336 to 323 B.C. During his time of leadership, he has done many things to show that he deserved the leadership. He took over big parts of land and united them together. His military tactics were sharp since he was intelligent, and he used the phalanx formation during wars, which was an astounding. Even through all of the things he has done, he should not be considered the Great. Alexander should not be considered the great because he he killed many people, he treated the land disrespectfully, and he treated the Egyptians in a poor manner. Alexander killed many people when invaded many places and took over the land, yet he was still not satisfied with what he had; he decided to invade India . Alexander fought and defeated many Indian rulers over the course of the war. In the text, it stated, “In a nine-month period, Alexander’s forces traveled down the Indus river and killed as many as 80,000 people.” This shows that he was relentless and careless of what was going on. He killed many people in a short period of time in order to conquer the land of India. The fact that he killed many people takes away the “Great in Alexander the Great. …show more content…

He went against the Persians and took over their land. His military campaign was brutal. Even though his strategies were well planned, he still relied on brute force without thinking that it could affect his own soldiers. In the text, it stated that “...he allowed his men to burn down the Great Palace and its surrounding temples. Alexander thus destroyed a magnificent center of Persian culture, traditions, and artistic achievements.” This shows that he did not are about the Persians and their culture. Instead of just beating the Persians, he went on and even destroyed the Persian’s most valuable buildings. This portrays that he treated the land poorly and cared for nothing but

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