Alfred M Green Address Rhetorical Devices

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Alfred M. Green delivered his speech in Philadelphia in April of 1861, the first month of the Civil War. The Union and Confederate were fighting, North against South, to abolish slavery. Green wanted his fellow African Americans to join the fight, even though they weren’t allowed to. He was a very religious and educated man who was able to turn words into grand speeches. The audience are African American males who don’t have the right to vote, but are now free men. Alfred M. Green uses the methods of a passionate tone and word choices of brethren to persuade African Americans to join the Union forces.
A passionate tone is one of the ways used to persuade African Americans to join the Union. In the first paragraph he states, “The time has arrived in the history of the great Republic when we may again give evidence to the world of the bravery and patriotism of a race in whose hearts burns the love of country, of freedom, and of civil and religious toleration.” Green uses the words of bravery, patriotism, and hearts burn to bring feeling to his speech. He is inspiring and making others feel passionate about this topic to convince them to join the Union.
Another way Alfred M. Green tries to persuade his audience is through his word choice. Green uses words …show more content…

Green throughout his whole speech is making an emotional claim to get people to join because they feel what is happening is wrong, not that they know what is happening is wrong. Most people act on emotionally first before acting logically which is what Green is trying to achieve. He uses a passionate tone and a word choice of brethren to get his fellow African Americans to take up arms emotionally and end