Argumentative Essay On Protracted Refugees

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1. Why essay topic
Mobility is freedom for human beings and once restricted, humans are stuck in one area for long and multiple security issues arise for the affected people. There are significant numbers of security concern arising from many large long standing refugee camps present in the world today given the fact that security concerns have been acknowledged not only by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) executive community but also the United Nation Security Council evidently see that these protracted refugees settled in camps usually experience serious prolonged psychological problems including stress traumatization, depression, behavioral and emotional problems.
As the dynamics of refugees is shifting gears worldwide, most refugees trapped in protracted refugee situations are forced to live in isolated and insecure refugee camps and face a number of personal safety protection and human rights challenges. Levels of sexual and physical violence in refugee camps are typically very high, and refugee women and children are always vulnerable and at risk most of the time. …show more content…

Is the UNHCR giving enough support on human right, freedom of want and freedom on needs which opens doors of opportunities for better protection of their rights as refugees and human beings, and their economic progress towards development in the host state?

• What are the human rights and security dimensions of protracted refugee situations?
• How have international security and development processes impacted on human security?
• What are the main (existing and emerging) challenges to human security in different protracted refugee camps?
• What are human rights actors doing about these human rights violations in protracted refugee situations?
• How have international security and development processes impacted on human security?
3. Relevance of essay topic with dev. theory and

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