All The King's Men By Robert Penn Warren

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Political Death Politics is fueled by corruption. It causes government-involved citizens to use their power to manipulate others to achieve what they want. In All the King’s Men, written by Robert Penn Warren, Warren distributes politics to show how Willie Stark transformed. His character gradually deteriorates as a person throughout the political novel leading up to his death. Warren writes to exemplify politics and how it ruined the lives of well-rounded people. Warren demonstrates the role of politics as evil because he wants to prove the corrupted doings of politics. Novel, All the King’s Men, Willie Stark is slowly, but thoroughly corrupted by multiple political instances that ultimately lead to his death.
Politics has a life of its …show more content…

At the barbeque he was furious with humiliation, but he was not going to back down from the challenge of becoming a governor. Warren showed Stark’s rage of anger through Stark’s bold statement: “When I come back to run for Governor again, I’m coming on my own and I’m coming for blood” (131). He tells his promise with dignity because as the years will come he proves how horrid he can be. Stark was influenced by the politics and black mailed anyone who got in his way of becoming the Governor. In the New York Times, Orville Prescott’s critical review of, All the King’s Men, stated “All the King’s Men” is really a double story, that Willie, the hick from the red-neck country who rose to power through eloquence, leadership and ruthless mastery of dirty politics, and that of three aristocrats drawn into Willie’s Orbit” (Prescott). Prescott shows the character of Willie by bluntly stating how he transformed and what he became. The power rushed to Stark’s head and turned him into a politic guru. Politics, however, was not in Willie Stark’s …show more content…

Willie Stark went from the old country farm boy to the scheming black mailing governor. All the struggles Willis Stark went through progressed him further to his death. He was killed by jealously and the fact that Tiny Duffy wanted to be the Governor. All the people that surrounded Willie, outside of a select few, caused this political death. Willie had slept with Adam Stanton’s sister, Anne, but that was not what caused his rage to kill Willie. It was the fact that Tiny Duffy, the man Willie Stark appointed Lieutenant Governor, told Adam the only reason he had the job was because of Anne’s and Willie’s affair. Since Stanton had so much hate towards Willie Stark it was not difficult for Adam to murder him. Tiny Duffy wanted to be the Governor, but could never be it on his own, so he used politics to his advantage and had Governor Stark