Allegory Of The Cave Essay

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Process Letter for Essay Two Dear Mr. Nathan, I am not confident about my explanation on what happens in “The Allegory of the Cave”. I think I didn’t describe the story in a coherent way and it might make the readers who haven’t heard of the allegory confuse, but I don’t know how to write a PIE-structured paragraph without telling the story little by little. I tried very hard but I don’t know if it’s right. I used many subordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adv. and transitional phrases in the essay and I think I did a better job on this part compare to my previous essays. It has been a busy and tough week for me. My computer died and I couldn’t get the file of my essay draft out. I also had some technical issues while installing the Word software on my new computer. Therefore, I did waste a lot of time and had …show more content…

Also, he wouldn’t be able to look at the shadows and discuss about them with the other prisoners like before because he was now a way more knowledgeable man than the rest. If he told the other prisoners what he had seen outside the cave and what they had been believing was mere a phantom, the uneducated prisoners definitely wouldn’t believe him and would rather stay in the cave continually. This passage is an analogy of what is like to be a philosopher trying to educate the public. The alienation of the returned prisoner is what all truth tellers might expect. A gory example is that in real life Socrates was sentenced to death by the Greek government for disrupting the social order. In such society, majority of the people comfortably stick with their ignorance and are even vicious to the ones who points them out. If, like the returned prisoner, you bluntly tell people they are wrong, you will cause great offense and may endanger your own life because it is a threat to their narrow beliefs and fragile