Invasive Professionals And Their Responsibilities In The Health Care Field

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Allied Health Professionals are assigned various roles and responsibilities in the health care field. Despite working in different areas, however, their responsibilities show likeness to each other when they are categorized as being either noninvasive or invasive in nature. As a result, the Peripheral Vascular Techs and Echo Techs, which can be categorized as noninvasive professionals, share similarities. The Invasive Cardiovascular Techs, EP Lab Techs, Surgical Techs, and perioperative nurses then also have resemblances because they can be categorized as invasive professionals. That being said, there are still some fundamental similarities among all six professions.
Echo Techs and Vascular Techs both fall within the category of diagnostic …show more content…

Within RCIS, RCES, ST, and perioperative nursing fields, they are all assigned specific tasks for each procedure, so they are only responsible for a limited part of their scope of practice at a time. As a result of the complexity of the procedures undertaken by this group, they must also be able to work well in a team. Due to the risk of infection, these professions are also all highly trained in both sterile and aseptic techniques.
The invasive professions, however, do share some similarities with noninvasive professions. These 6 professions require that their work is ultimately supervised or done as an agent of a physician. In addition, they are all responsible for pre-procedural tasks such as prepping the patient or gathering necessary equipment. Furthermore, they all must be able to perform post procedure tasks that for some include analyzing/storing data or cleaning. Lastly, assisting in cardiac life support is part of all of their roles. These six different Allied Health Professions all play different roles within the health care field depending on their specialty. Despite having different responsibilities, however, some elements of their scopes of practice are the