Always Watching Symbolism

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They’re Always Watching One of the examples of symbolism found in the episode is when the main character crashes into a mirror when he’s in a rush sprinting down the stairs. The symbolism of this moment is that it is showing the inner-workings of the chaos of the moment. He is confusedly running about, trying to figure out what this world is, and why he’s a part of it. He crashes into his mirror right after he sees his reflection. This could represent how he is making the insanity for himself, quite literally, as shown at the end of the episode. In this singular moment, it is showing his breaking point. Right before this part, he is watching a movie and realizes there must be someone who is working the projector. He starts yelling, “who’s running the pictures?!” as his insanity starts to slowly creep back up on him. He runs up to the booth, and sees no one. This further elevates his sense of madness, thus causing him to later crash into the mirror. …show more content…

This eye could not only represent how he really feels, as he said in the beginning of the episode, “I feel like I’m being watched”. He already feels out of place and confused about his surroundings, but adding a possible third factor of being watched makes him feel even crazier. He is in a panic, and runs down the street frantically, looking for any sign of other human life, when he sees the logo of an optometry place in a window. This is symbolism for the underlying feeling of being watched. In the end, it is revealed he is actually being watched, but in this scene, it is just another addition to confirming his