
Amartya Sen's Theory Of Social Justice And Abortion

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Fairness, a term that is defined differently across the world causing the issue of who gets to experience it. Moreover, the problem of the control that is placed over people to ensure this fairness maintains its equilibrium. In this paper the issue of social justice and how it affects the topics of abortion and drugs will be discussed. Furthermore, the argument that people deserve to have the liberty to choose what happens to their own bodies as long as it does not affect the liberty of others will be presented. This will be done in an ethical sense, which will assist in determining what school of ethics this theory fits into whether its utilitarian or Kantian. Additionally, theories and arguments of those who seek to control these topics in …show more content…

And where should this line be drawn to protect the liberties of the people? A seemingly simple set of questions, however, they carrier a rather complex set of answers especially, because it affects a vast amount of people. Furthermore, this issue can easily cross that thin line, which has been drawn and cross over into unethical territory. Amartya Sen, brings this question to light in the article, Foundations of Global Ethics, by analyzing Shakespeare’s work stating, “William Shakespeare ridiculed the allegedly ethical conclusions people try to draw that are biased toward the promotion of their own advantages” (Sen, 264). This is arguably happening in today’s societies with controversial issues such as abortion and drugs. Since these actions do not directly harm others within society, they are rejected because of a bias that does not truly reflect societies …show more content…

If the parents were considering abortion, not for health reasons, chances are that they do not want the child or cannot handle the responsibility. Therefore, if they are forced to have this child that they do not want that child will have a lower quality life. Additionally, the parents will also be faced with this issue causing everyone in this equation to suffer in some sense. Forcing another to take on this kind of responsibility is intrinsically wrong for multiple reasons. Including an abuse of power over people controlling aspects that is out of societies limits. Moreover, it is limiting their liberties causing an offset in the scale of fairness that this control was meant to protect. Another issue is, what if the mother of the child did not give consent when the child was conceived. Should this victim be forced to keep and care for the rapist’s child? Certainly, the events that lead to the conception of this fetus was far from ethical. Therefore, the mother should have complete control over what happens. Forcing anyone to take care of a child made without consent is wrong to the parent and society. This can be seen as something that reinforces negative behaviors in society. Supporting this theory is the governments own premise, which will be discussed in detail in due

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