Amazon Research Paper

780 Words4 Pages was the company I chose for my project, wasn't all ways the big company it is today, back in 1995. It only sold books online because Jeff Bezos (CEO) though bookstores didn't have a very large selection. Jeff Bezos always had big plans for Amazon, “He knew from the very beginning that he wanted Amazon to be an Everything store” (D'Onfro). In the beginning of Amazon Jeff Bezons wanted to name it Cadabra, but the name never connected so was chosion. Bezos chose the name Amazon after the largest river, because he wanted to resemble his vision of becoming the largest bookstore back in 1995. Today is one of the biggest exports of goods and much more. For example Amazon prime can stream television shows …show more content…

At the time of my purchase the stock was climbing. But by the next week it dropped 51.52 dollars and from there on it never raised above that number. It reached an all time low at week 2 with the change in shares going down to -97.49 dollars. Then for the next 3 weeks it slowly climbed back up to the change in shares of the first week with -55.63 by week 4. By the end of the project my final gains from shares was -71.65 dollars, thanks to the decline on November 22 till the end of the project. Which was most likely to happen because companies like amazon all ways sell a lot before holidays such as Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Although I did lose money on Amazon I did not at the end of the project, my total portfolio I gained 766.74 dollars make a total of 5,766.74. I was very surprised I made this much without making any trades through my whole …show more content…

The Dow Jones industrial average is a stock market index, it is actually the oldest stock market index form 1885. It is price weighted average of 30 stocks from all industries representing the overall economy. To keep the Dow Jones representing of the overall economy they occasionally add and remove companies from the Dow Jones. Unforunchly is not one of these 30 companies. But not being part of the Dow Jones does not mean that the company won't be successful. For example Procter&Gamble has been in the Dow since 1932, Apple was added in 2015.
With the Dow Jones comes the Standard and Poor's, 500 or the S&P 500 it consists of 500 large companies that have common stock in the New York Stock Exchange. During the project S&P 500 ranged from 2,111 to 2,210. Although The S&P 500 only dates back to 1923 it is just as important as the Dow Jones. The S&P 500 was designed to provide a quick look at prices in the stock market and the economy. “ the S&P 500 index is the most popular measure used by financial media and professionals, while the mainstream media and general public are more familiar with the Dow Jones Industrial Average”