Amazon It can be clearly seen that Amazon is the biggest, most influential online firm in this world today. Employing just over 154,000 employees it is easy to see how it is one of the most sought after firms that many people dream of becoming employed at. Or is it? Recently, questions have been circling the business world about Amazon and their treatment towards employees however this is only a one sided argument and if this was the case Amazon would not be the leading tech company it is today. It is constantly known for seeking only the highest skilled people but for a specific reason. Jeff Bezzo (CEO) wants these driven people to complete thorough work in order to align with their core business strategy to achieve long term goals efficiently …show more content…
HR Planning directly links HR Management to the strategic plan of an organisation. It can be defined as: ‘process of systematically forecasting both the future demand for and supply of employees and the deployment of their skills with respect to the strategic objectives of the organization.’ (Boundless, 21 July 2015). The planning process within Amazon is specific to an extent as it is relatively about determining what will be accomplished within a certain time frame, along with the number of HR people that will be needed in order for their business objective’s to be met. Amazon accomplishes this by defining their competencies such as big economies of scale and constant high level of services provided that are required by their workers to achieve this. They build a customer strategy within the minds of their employees so they can become customer driven and are always thought to develop thought-provoking, different ideas to suit Amazon’s customers. Amazon match their employees to these competencies to complete the right task and this then gives the HR department an opportunity to assess the programme each time for progress and improvement. In order for a centric company like Amazon to succeed, they must be always on the target with looking to recruit new, exciting people to join the business to make gradual important changes. According to …show more content…
(2006). Strategic Human Resource Management: Determinants of Fit, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 14(2), 49-60. (‘Schuler & Jackson 1987’) [Accessed 10 October 2015]. Strategic: Research and Practice in Human Resource Management. 2015. Strategic: Research and Practice in Human Resource Management. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October 2015]. Boundless. “Human Resource Planning.” Boundless Management. Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 10 Oct. 2015 from Source: Boundless. “Employee Recruitment.” Boundless Management. Boundless, 21 Jul. 2015. Retrieved 10 Oct. 2015 from Amazon's Current Employees Raise the Bar for New Hires - WSJ . 2015. Amazon's Current Employees Raise the Bar for New Hires - WSJ . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 October