Movie Exodus Movie Analysis

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In any way, the retelling of a story shows not only the time in which it was created, but also the narrative aspects that survive through the centuries. Ridley Scott considered Exodus was ready for a contemporary renewal. The story has been updated keeping some aspects intact while completely reworking others. In this paper, I will explain how the movie Exodus: Gods and King and the biblical text differ in their portrayal of God 's composure and ambiguity, but both depict God’s power through devastation to appeal to the different intended audiences for which these works were created. God’s composure in the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings and the biblical text are opposites. Within the movie, God is depicted as a temperamental child who throws fits when talking to Moses to get his point across. In one such scene, Moses approaches God, who appears in his child-like persona, and questions the attacks on the Egyptians. God is quick to yell his response saying that he will not be happy …show more content…

The movie visually depicts punishments, assumingly brought by God, that the Egyptians must endure, such as boils, gnats, darkness, etc. Similarly, in the biblical text, God, to free the enslaved Israelites, directly hardens the pharaoh’s heart to relentlessly punish the Egyptians. Both prolong the punishment, the biblical text through hardening of the heart and the movie through God’s jealousy, to ensure that Egypt witnesses God’s power and suffers the punishment it deserves. The power God has in the biblical text separates the cultures and empowers the Israelites, as the Israelites, specifically, are favored over the Egyptians within Exodus. The movie depicts these plagues with the purpose of generating emotions within the viewers, perhaps, sympathy for the Egyptians, which is not gained within the biblical text. This creates an extra part of the plot that entertains a western