America Is Racist Because The Church Essay

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America is Racist Because the Church is Racist
If the Bible teaches us to Love thy Neighbor, how would you define yours?

The church is a place that is supposed to be a welcoming home for every kind of individual, but how come when we sit inside a church, we see the image of people who are reflections of ourselves. Do we define our neighbors as though they should mirror how we look, how we dress, and those with the same color as ours?

Can we not challenge the norms of building a group wherein everyone is welcome? If we can’t build a racially diverse church, how can we expect to have a country that accommodates each race and nationality equally? Churches might fail to contradict racism based on superficial and immature reasons. If we go beyond what we know, we will soon realize that the Scripture might not present a multiple racial settings, but it is because there are no barriers in the eyes of the Lord. He did not question …show more content…

The church is meant to be the single place in the world where everyone is welcome and if it does not evoke the welcoming warmth for everybody, where else should we go? America is Racist Because the Church is Racist. We are meant to fight the stigma of racism inside our place of worship and when we do that there, we can do it anywhere. No matter who you are and no matter what your skin color is, you should not be afraid to enter a church and pray because your color should never define your relationship with the Lord. Moreover, if you see a person being judged due to their race, then you should not be afraid to fight for that person’s right since you are battling oppression in the name of our God. The favor of the Lord is upon you if you ensure promoting faith and equality in his name. America is still a racist country due to the fact that we regard supremacy in our race and we haven’t forgone our biases. We are racist because we are more faithful to our family than our