
Americah Essay

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In the novel Americanah written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie it is firstly agreed that the novel is a deeply felt book. Secondly both lyricism and erudition is evident throughout the novel. Thirdly the novel is an important novel to the people of today. Lastly the importance of the novel never weighs down the need to tell a human story. Americanah is written from a sincere perspective as Adichie herself grew up in Nigeria and also went to America for her studies. This allows Adichie to write about the events of Ifemelu life from accurate observations that she saw or felt in America. Adichie describes the emotions that Ifemelu feels with great detail. For example when Ifemelu falls into a state of depression where Adichie writes, “She felt like …show more content…

This can be seen when the carpet cleaner arrived at Kimberley’s house and Ifemelu went to open for him. “He stiffened when he saw her. First surprise flitted over his features, then it ossified to hostility” This shows the authors expression that when stereotyping fails people turn to being confused or even hostile even to their own ethnicity or race. Adichie also writes in an eruditely manner. This is prevalent in Americanah as Adichie is able to display her knowledge with two main characters, over three countries, with different time periods. Adichie uses the theme or race and racism to convey her knowledge. In America when Kimberley points to a model on a magazine and calls the women beautiful. Ifemelu then responds with “You know, you can just say ‘black’. Not every black person is beautiful.” In England when Obinze is working as a temporary replacement for a company that delivers kitchens. Obinze trips and hurts is knee and his co-workers say “His knee is bad because he’s a knee-grow!” In Nigeria, when Ifemelu returned and looking for a place to stay, a man says “I do not rent to Igbo people”. The above quotes show that Adichie is educated as are examples that most people wouldn’t know unless they were part of that society at some

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