American Airlines Merger Summary

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American Airlines is an airplane company offering an array of destinations between American and International flights. This organization offers accommodations to across the US, Europe, and beyond. Fort Worth, Texas within the Dallas – Fort Worth is the organizations main hub. In 2013 when other airlines began merging together, American Airlines and US Airways became known as a single carrier, the leadership that was put into place to become the airlines largest carrier. This merger was following other successful and not so successful airline mergers, but the importance of its success was vital to the ongoing operations of American. Delta and Northwest airlines had successfully merged and United and Continental merged. The Continental …show more content…

The suppliers of their aircraft, both Boeing and Airbus, can compete for the business of American with their latest aircraft. In some ways American can hold the upper hand with their aircraft supplier since the airlines utilized a vast amount of aircraft from both manufactures and come often negotiate a better price on the newer aircraft. The other large supplier that American depends on to operate is distributer of their jet fuel. In this situation the price is standardized by the supplier and American would have a harder time negotiating this price but would have better luck receiving a better price with the more fuel they purchase on a monthly of yearly …show more content…

With the amount of competition in the air travel industry American need to focus on the customers experience and provide the best overall experience for the most reasonable price. Many business and personal travelers who fly often look for the easiest mode of travel and the easiest booking for travel. If customers have a hard time booking airfare and issues when calling to book or change airfare there is a chance they will start to look at flying another airline. If the customers experience in flight is not up to standard by having older aircraft and less amenities in flight customers will try other airlines. There are many low-cost airlines that are directly competing with American on a day to day basis. If the cost of flight on American are higher and their customer satisfaction rates are lower customers will look at other airlines for their travel. American needs to always stay focused on the customers in flight and booking experience as well as having competitive pricing to as many destinations to server as many customers as they can in the most efficient and friendly manner as