American Born Chinese Character Analysis

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The comic American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang explores many diverse themes. An example of one being friendship, which is shown between many different characters, the most notable is undoubtedly the relationship between Jin and Wei-Chen. The book shows how their friendship developed over time. Shown throughout the book were the obstacles they overcame and the good times they experienced along the way. Relocation to the same area is what initiated the bond between the two. Jin moved to the school awhile before Wei-Chen, but when he moved there later on reached out to try to talk to Jin, he was quickly rejected. Soon Jin recalled how he felt when he was new there and submitted to the attempts at a friendship. They enter each other's lives at opportune times and were able to support and provide succor to one another, and maintain a strong connection along the way. For example, a time they needed each other was when they were having to deal with the discriminative and inexorable bullying by their classmates. This caused an affinity to flourish between the two. They both struggled with the same thing and were able to help the other with the issue. Jin went to the school and had to deal with all this before Wei-Chen moved there so Jin was a substantial source of comfort for Wei-Chen when he …show more content…

Wei-Chen also aided Jin by preserving his connection to his roots. Trying to help him remember who he is and where he came from was a common situation that Wei-Chen found himself in. Accomplishing this was done by sticking by Jin and talking about where he said he came from, such as where he tells Jin that “In Taiwan, any boy who loves girls before he is eighteen, everybody laugh at him” (Yang 89), even despite Jin’s rejection of non-American cultures. Wei-Chen tried to teach Jin that it is and exceptional act to be himself and approve of his own origin, which Jin is successful in later on due to Wei-Chen’s