American Decision To Drop Of The Atomic Bomb Essay

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In 1945 President Truman, of The United States of America made the decision to drop Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing World War Two to end, saving thousands of American lives. The dropping of the Atomic Bombs caused Japan to surrender, thus ending the war. 

In 1945 The United States of America dropped two bombs on Japan, making them victorious in causing Japan to surrender and ending the war. In 1939 a group of U.S scientists became concerned with nuclear weaponry research being conducted in Nazi Germany, in 1940 The U.S government began funding its own atomic weapons development program. Over the next several years the program’s scientists worked on producing the key materials for nuclear fission (uranium-239 and plutonium [Pu-239]). They were sent to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where a team worked to turn these materials into a workable atomic bomb. On July 16, 1945, The Manhattan Project held it’s first successful test of an atomic device at the Trinity test site at New Mexico, by this time The Allies had already defeated Germany in Europe. Japan vowed to fight to the end in the Pacific, despite clear indication (1944) that there was no chance of winning. In late July, Japan refused surrender, the top military commanders favoured continuing the bombing of Japan, also known as ‘Operation Downfall’. On July 25 President Truman authorised the use of atomic bombs on Japan. U.S.A and Britain issued a statement about ‘The Postdam Declaration’. The Americans gave the Japanese a last chance to surrender, however, the declaration did not mention that USA possessed a super weapon. If the Japanese were to surrender, they feared that USA would …show more content…

Dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved thousands of U.S lives, by dropping the bombs and stopping the war earlier it saved American troops and civilians from further