American Dream Alive Essay

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The American Dream is the idea that anybody can become successful in America. Many people argue whether or not it is a realistic expectation to live up to, but I believe that the American Dream is very much alive because of the internet, the opportunities that are accessible to almost everyone, and the people that are living proof of it. The internet has played a significant role in keeping the American Dream alive. With its vast reach and accessibility, the internet has provided countless opportunities for individuals to pursue their dreams and achieve success. “It is the internet that is allowing this myth to extend way beyond its use-by date and, in doing so, is thus preventing Americans from making a fundamental re-examination of their …show more content…

The United States offers a diverse range of paths to success, allowing individuals to pursue their passions and dreams. “Ain’t nobody business people till they go into business… people ain’t never going to start getting ahead till they start gambling on some different kinds of things in the world” (Hansberry 42). The country’s robust economy provides countless industries and sectors where individuals can find opportunities for growth and prosperity. Entrepreneurship and innovation are actively encouraged, providing a platform for individuals to create their own success stories. The American Dream also thrives on the principles of meritocracy, where hard work, talent, and determination are rewarded. “It provides hope for those who struggle not only with adversity, but with prejudice and exclusion on a daily basis” (Marin). While challenges and barriers may exist, initiatives promoting diversity, equality, and social mobility aim to level the playing field and ensure equal access to opportunities for all. Ultimately, the American Dream remains alive due to the range of opportunities available, empowering individuals to shape their own destinies and achieve their fullest …show more content…

The stories of self-made individuals who have risen from poverty or adversity to attain prosperity and prominence are a testament to the opportunities that America offers. “I think I am an example of the American Dream because I came to America 48 years ago and didn’t have much by way of background or money or anything else and built up to where I am today by putting in the work that was necessary” (Varney). From entrepreneurs who started with nothing and built thriving businesses to artists, athletes, and professionals who have reached the pinnacle of their respective fields, these success stories inspire others to believe in the possibilities that lie ahead. The American Dream thrives on the belief that hard work, determination, and talent can overcome obstacles and propel individuals towards their goals. It is the embodiment of upward mobility, where individuals can break the cycles of poverty and create better lives for themselves and their families. Such stories serve as a reminder that the American Dream is not just a mere concept, but a living reality within the fabric of American