Synthesis Essay: What Is The American Dream?

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The American dream has become less of a possibility for a majority of the American population, leaving a small window for those few making good money. So what is the American dream? The traditional American dream is that hardworking citizens can better their lives, live comfortably, and have financial security. To be “middle class” once fit this definition of the dream. In David Wallechinsky’s article he focused on U.S. households earning between $30,000 and $99,000 a year. Most of the people who were surveyed said they were married and had a family. More than 64% said they were employed full-time or part-time. Half of the employed people experienced increased health-care costs or cuts in health benefits over the last three years. About 39% have had cuts in their overtime, raises or bonuses, and almost two-thirds said the live from paycheck to paycheck. At least 47% said that no matter how hard they worked, they couldn’t get ahead, and more than a third said they worry about job loss. Nearly 83% said there’s not much left to save after they’ve paid their bills. Statistics, from the Commerce Department, show that the savings rate for Americans is the lowest it’s been in 73 years. …show more content…

Richard is from Conyers, Georgia, is married and has 5 kids, and had worked in the beer industry for 23 years. When he was unable to return to work by a given date, due to developing pneumonia and going through major surgery, his company terminated him at age 54. To help support his family he had to dip into his 401(k) fund, and paid a penalty for premature withdrawal. Shelly Comer was also surveyed. Shelly, age 54, is from Dos Palos, California, she is divorced, and is a mother of three. She is going into debt so that her oldest, Michelle, can go to