The American Dream Essay

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Everyone has a dream. Although these dreams aren’t the ones you have while sleeping, they are the ones that drive you, challenge you and keep you fighting for the reality that they will become true. They are the dreams that you will work hard for. Martin Luther King Jr. even died while fighting for his dream to become a reality. They are the ones you hope will one day become a reality. They are the dreams of a better education, better wages, better living conditions, equality, and they are the dreams of a better life. So then what exactly does the “American Dream” mean to people, how are these dreams achieved by those who are not native to our country, why do some people make it while others fail and who does the “The American Dream” really belong to? When you look up the definition of The American Dream on Google, this is what you get, A·mer·i·can dream əˈmerəkən drēm/ Noun the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. but the definition of The American Dream really isn’t just as simple as “the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative”. Its complicated, diverse and every person you ask will tell you something different. Sometimes the answers will be vague, but some will also be specific. So, let’s see what people really think. Some immigrants say that “The American