
American Foreign Policy 1914-1941

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American Foreign Policy 1914-1941:
Originally, the United States took a more isolationist stance to foreign policy and tried not to intervene in World Affairs outside of North America in accordance with the Roosevelt Corollary. This changed after the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania, which thrusted the United States onto the world stage for World War I. After the conclusion of World War I, the United States returned to isolationist foreign policy during the Roaring Twenties to focus on improving the country from within. This held true throughout the Great Depression as the Untitled States faced economic struggles. Once World War II began, the United States began to once again focus on being an international force. The …show more content…

New canals and railroads were beginning to take shape across the country and modes of transportation, such as the steamboat, allowed for goods to be moved much more expeditiously than before. Furthermore, the Era of Good Feelings helped to allow the economy to grow and during this time period, the Tariff of 1816 was implemented as a protective tariff for industry. As part of Henry Clay’s American System, the tariff helped to ensure that American goods would be competitive inside of America. However, this would soon be changed after the Era of Good Feelings concluded and Andrew Jackson rose to power. Jackson thought that tariffs were bad and he cut them to help farmers. Jackson also vetoed to recharter the Second Bank of the United States, which caused chaos due to currency issues that would arise from states creating their own money supply. Eventually, this led to the Panic of 1837, which lasted until 1843. This led to bank closures, job loss, and declining …show more content…

However, even during the war, African Americans were still treated poorly in the north and they faced discrimination. This worsened after the war when jobs were plucked away from African Americans after soldiers returned home. Furthermore, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the south and Midwest, especially in Indiana, during the 1920s, caused widespread fear for African Americans due to the brutal killings by the KKK. Also, during the 1920s, African Americans initiated the Harlem Renaissance in New York, which caused a flourishing in literary and artistic works. However, this prosperity would not be enjoyed for a long period of time. Once the Great Depression hit the United States, African Americans were hit particularly hard and were unable to find work. Although this once again changed for the better during World War II, African Americans lost jobs to Caucasian women. Even in battle, African Americans were pushed to fight for American value which they did not receive at home. Eventually, the Double V Campaign took shape and it began to energize African American soldiers in hopes that a victory in World War II, would lead to advances at home. However, this was not the case and it would not be until the 1960s when African Americans would be able to achieve advances for civil rights and equality at home. Although the social position of African

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