American Liberalism Essay

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I. Putu Krisna
"Liberal" is derived from the Latin word "liber" meaning "free" or "independence ", Liberals is that they are "free" in the opinion. In Christianity, liberals is that they are "free" of certain authorities. Lately, even some who want to be free from the authority, Jesus Christ.
By giving definitions of "liberal", certainly we can set our own criteria or characteristics of liberals, whom they say that the Bible is not the Word of God, does not have the authority, plus a myriad of other traits. The fundamentalists are just the opposite.
The roots of liberal theology can be traced to Germany in the eighteenth century, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is usually considered as the father of modern religious liberalism, Kant denied the evidence of the existence of God, and maintains that humans only can know God through reasoning, this approach is the result of the Enlightenment, which views the tradition and authority of the Bible with suspicion and claims services of reasoning, Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) bringing new light on the theology through his emphasis on "feeling" in religion Schleiermacher …show more content…

Schleiermacher(1763-1834),stressed that religion is not found in philosophical reasoning or in the recognition of doctrinal (he rejected the doctrines of historic Christianity), but is found in the feeling, where one can experience God, he emphasizes the subjectivity of religion, his emphasis was later found expression in the whole neo-orthodoxy.
Albrecht Ritschl (1822-1889), He rejected speculation both philosophical of the philosophers and the emphasis on the experience of Schleiermacher. He teaches the importance of ethical values. "It should start with the question," What must I do to be saved? "But if the question means" How can I go to heaven when I die? "Then it is a question theoretical nature. To be saved means to live a life the new, saved from sin, selfishness, fear and guilt

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