Essay On The Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era in history of the United States is considered to be during the years of 1890 and 1920 (Byron, 2017). There were four amendments added to the Constitution of the United States during this time. On February 3, 1913, the 16th amendment was adopted by congress which levied a federal income tax. The 17th amendment was adopted in November of 1914 during a nationwide election. The 17th amendment established the way senators were elected and the rules of special appointments. The 18th amendment was the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States. The 18th amendment is the only amendment that was repeal by another amendment, the 21st amendment effectively repealed the 18th amendment on December 5, 1933, (Dinan &Heckelman, 2014). Finally, the 19th amendment gave …show more content…

While the 16th amendment was a threat to most people others saw the potential of this country. Moreover, we were still not where we need to be, but the modern civilization of the country was in its birthing stages during the Progressive Era. During the civil war the industrial age had begun and in fact the labors were being mistreated and abused by the Industrial system. The other component that played a critical role was the education system. People were required to send children to school and these children who are now grown knew they should not be subjected to the deplorable working conditions and the lack of safety standards. Furthermore, higher educational systems were growing, and more citizens were learning past the norms of reading writing and arithmetic (Ingrassia, 2012). This a when a hard look was given to every person’s civil rights. These citizens came up with innovated ideas to get laws passed to protect the rights of every person in the United States. Notwithstanding, having the forethought to incorporate a federal tax to assist the nation into what is the greatest superpower on the