The Temperance Army In The 1800's

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Start or edit my journal entry The Temperance Army was made up of people in the 1800’s who were against alcohol. In the 1800’s alcohol was a growing problem in the United States. Saloons were a social hangout for middle class men. They would go to work then go to the saloons for a drink, games and the gossip of the town. The saloons back then are like the internet now a days, minus the bathrooms. The saloon is where you could cash your check, mail letters, and look at job posting (Shi). While they were there doing all this stuff they would also have drinks. The crime rate would go up a little with the all drinking but it wasn’t till after the eighteenth amendment that it would soar. Temperate is to show moderation. Temperance wasn’t to ban alcohol all together but to have people drink in moderation. Prohibition is to outlaw all together. The Temperance Army was trying to get people to just drink in moderation, not go out and get drunk every day. The prohibition led to the eighteenth Amendment. The Eighteenth amendment prohibited the sale and manufacturing of intoxicating liquor. We would later go back and create the Twenty-first Amendment which overturned the Eighteenth Amendment. The Temperance Army …show more content…

They would start by gaining some political power first in local government and then state government. They had to start small because women still didn’t have the power to hold office at this time. It would be harder for the cities to gain control of local government because most men would still want to have their saloons. Once they gained their power they started to make their move. The movement would later be heard from all around the nation. They started to get a backing. Finally the Eighteenth Amendment would be passed soaring through both the House and the Senate. They had thought they had won the war but it was truly far from