Best Accomplishment Of The Progressive Era In The United States

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The Progressive Era was a time period, in the United States, of reforms that created to better the conditions that people lived in. There were many things that happened which were Populism, Social Gospel, and Progressivism. The best accomplishment of the era was the Social Gospel, led by the Protestant Clergy, because they created social reforms for working conditions, housing conditions, and civil rights were granted. The working conditions were poor with long hour days, no work breaks to take a break or eat. The conditions were dangerous as fingers were cut off and people got black lung. The Social Gospel saw the working conditions were poor so they wanted reform. With better working conditions, more people would continue to work or encourage others to work as well. More people working for better conditions could allow more products to be produced. The Hepburn Act was created in 1906 for railroad workers to have a rate that was established so …show more content…

The way they lived before the Progressive Era was not the way they wanted to continue to live. Civil rights such as the 16th, 17th, 18th, and the 19th amendments were granted. The 16th amendment gives the federal government the power to levy income tax on all income earners in the United States. This allowed the government to implement taxing people who make an earning.The 17th amendment allowed voters to cast direct votes for the United States senators. Before this amendment was approved, the senators were chosen by legislatures, someone who writes and passes laws. The 18th amendment prohibited the sale or manufacture of liquor, but not the consumption. The 19th amendment allowed anyone of any sex to vote and this granted women the right to vote. This was a huge step forward for women as they were now allowed to have a say in who was going to become president. These amendments allow the United States to take steps toward reform and to

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