American Life In The 1790s Analysis

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Beginning in the 1790’s, continuing into the 1800’s American politics became a brutal sport. Problems arose between the people as attention shifted from building a new federal government to how powerful that federal government would be. The decision of what America’s government would be and represent was more than urgent. Although American’s government was up in the air, citizens still made their wants for change known. For example, Franklin 's Address on Slavery (November 9, 1789) where he called for an end to slavery and gave ways that the tradition could be dismantled. As you can see, American leaders had a lot of pressure, responsibilities, and request at their feet. The astonishing conflict that separated American life during the 1790’s balanced on the conflicting understanding of the meaning of the American Revolution and how its legacy should be represented in the newly built nation. Disagreements about the question were heightened due to the French Revolution and what America should do, either take part or keep its distance. At this stage, the United States was still a frail experiment in government. The conflict of 1790 encouraged a new development in the politics in America. Most Americans still believed that there could only be one position to take on political responsibility. The spread of opinion became even more prominent because of the rise of newspapers. With …show more content…

The XYZ affair had a big impact on American’s internal politics. The Federalist Party seating majority in Congress, criticized the Democratic- Republicans for their support of France and set out to prove a point. The critics of the Federalist included Democratic- Republicans and foreigners. In 1798, President John Adams and his Federalist Congress permitted the Alien and Sedition Acts (July 6, 1798). This made it a crime for anyone to criticize or publically disagree with the President and ultimately exposed foreigners to unequal