American Revolution Dbq Essay

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A challenging question to answer as an American Christian is whether the American Revolution was biblical or not. It is clear in the Bible the expectations God put forth as being the roles of both the government and obedient citizens. The big question is if the founding fathers of America were biblically justified by the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. There is a difference between being obedient to a government and being in a position where the government expects its people to commit sin. The founding fathers were aware that they were not obligated to submit to every single policy and law set in place by Britain. They were however expected, biblically, to respect and obey their government. The colonies knew the corruption in their government and the need for their civil needs in society to be met, which was also the will of God. The founding fathers held the belief that they could resist and overthrow the British government because its leader clearly had no intentions to please God or support his people. It were these view that fueled and was the driving force behind the American Revolution. …show more content…

King George III sent 25,000 troops to Massachusetts where the first shot was fired and the war began. It is unclear which side fired the first shot but the Patriots felt they were merely defending themselves from the cruelty placed upon them by their government. King George III also allowed his troops to enter the homes of the colonies, take from them, and imprison the people without a fair trial or hearing which all went against clear laws and rights of Britain. It is for these reasons that support American Christians and the founding fathers who believe the American Revolution was