American Women In The Mid-Nineteenth-Century

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Women are seen as objects only meant from men’s use. Men a scared of intelligent women because it is not something they can control. By limiting their education men have the power to make women less than humans. Women have to deal with the cruel behavior of their husbands or in some cases their masters if they are a slave. Women in the mid-nineteenth century were thought of as a lesser human being but not as bad as slaves were because of our size and sex.
Women were taught to look beautiful and act classy if they didn’t do their feminine duties they would be exiled. They think we are only good for sexual pleasures and cooking. Sarah Grimké states, “This mode of training necessarily exalts, in their view, the animal above the intellectual and …show more content…

Women slaves were treated worse than most of the women at the time. White women had to deal with their husbands cheating on them with slaves. Female slaves had to deal with their masters abusing them if they do not comply with having sex or sometimes just hurting just for the fun of it. Sarah Grimké states, “In the daily habit of seeing the virtue of her enslaved sister sacrificed without hesitancy or remorse, she looks upon the crimes of seduction and illicit intercourse without horror, and although not personally involved in the guilt, she loses that value for innocence in her own, as well as the other sex, which is one of the strongest safeguards to virtue. She lives in habitual intercourse with men, whom she knows to be polluted by licentiousness, and often is she compelled to witness in her own domestic circle, those disgusting and heartsickening jealousies and strifes which disgraced and distracted the family of Abraham.” (1099) Female slaves were degraded by beatings, whipping, unnecessary rape by their masters just because they were a woman and were considered property. White women were disgraced by having their husbands find their sexual desires satisfied by other women who were considered not to be graced with the label of human and then having their husband’s come back and try to get with them. Women are not toys we are human beings, not dogs who heed their master’s