American Women In Vietnam Essay

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Vietnamese woman: Vietnam War(American War)
In 1944 the Vietnam War started, in the years to follow millions of people lost their lives. The war ended in 1975, it lasted around thirty-one years. The United States of america joined the Vietnam War in 1964, it was a costly war and thousands were killed. Many protests were going on in The United States such as: Anti-war marches and protests from the Students for a Democratic Society. Many other foreign countries were involved with The Vietnam War such as: Korea, Thailand, Spain, The Philippines, France, and many more. In Vietnam young women and men fought in the war and more than one generation participated in the war. A saying in times of war in vietnam is, “when war comes, even women have …show more content…

The American soldiers would get blamed when it was really the Vietnamese men, but the American soldiers weren’t all that innocent they raped and killed many women. There were many beating and gang rapes going on during the vietnam war and many of the mean would position bodies in degrading ways and dress them up like clowns. They would even mangle the bodies or dress them up to scare their enemy. The corpses were treated with very little respect and some soldiers would decapitate women and would trade, keep, or offer for prizes from commanding officers, Many troops would wear of keep the body part on a necklace or in a jar. Daily were women being gang raped by american soldiers and they gave no respect of the women and treated them like they weren't people. some would even put heads on pikes to scar guerrilla fighters or soldiers stationed in villages. Some men even took pictures and kept scratch books. This just shows how poorly vietnamese women were treat by american soldiers and their own, but some vietnamese were honored as soldier and by being in the war had helped bring the women up in social status and helped with the womens right in vietnam. Also these women were not victims they were active participants in the war and were treated with some

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