Americans Should Get Drug Tested Essay

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I want to know, how many times are you forced to do something humiliating and demoralizing just so that you can put food on the table? Anyone that isn’t using public assistance probably isn't raising their hand. Recently, state legislators have been introducing legislation that require drug-testing people who receive public assistance.This drug testing is unconstitutional and unfair to the poor. Everyone should get drug tested for jobs not only the poor people.
The first reason why drug testing is good is that it saves money. If drug addicts work in your company they wouldn't work as hard because they are high (ACLU). This shows that everyone should get drug tested to get into a job. If they want the job they should know not to do drugs. Not doing drugs saves the companies money because they would work harder. Seven states allowed this law to save money (ACLU). If seven states already passed a law to equal out the rights of poor and wealthy people getting into jobs why shouldn’t the rest of them? Even our governor Scott Walker said that everyone to get a job in Wisconsin should be drug tested or no one should. Five other states are thinking about creating that law, so the idea is spreading. …show more content…

Why should the rich people get an easier way at jobs (HRF)? When there are people in the world with jobs taking drugs and they’re rich is that supposed to be ok? Well it isn’t because the poor and the rich should be equal, just like the blacks and the white. Making it harder for poor people to get jobs doesn’t help anyone, if anything it creates more problems with our economy. It should be equal (HRF). The United States is based off of equality and freedom, why not keep it that way? The government it trying to help middle class people get jobs, keep rich people rich and make poor people poorer. All of this is messed up, just like inequality of the colored and the