Should Student Athletes Be Tested For Drugs Essay

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Student Athletes Being Tested for Drugs What would you do if your child or children were snorting heroin and/or grinding up adderall and snorting that? Would you get them tested for drugs? Hispanic boys and colored girls have seen the biggest jump in drug use. They are not only using alcohol or marijuana, but they are also snorting heroin and grinding adderall and snorting that as well. Adderall is a medication that is used to treat attention deficit disorders. The drug users are taking prescription drugs, bought on the street, and taken from their parents these are medications like klonopin and percocet. They are sniffing household cleaning supplies and aerosol products (Dr. Keith Ablow). Student athletes should be tested for drugs …show more content…

If you don't know what the 4th Amendment is, it guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. If students are tested for drugs they may get discouraged about life and want to commit suicide, or they might not try as hard in their school work. Student athletes should not be tested for drugs because it takes money out of their education. Student athletes should not be tested for drugs because it takes money out of their education. They should not test them because it costs so much for a test and to test a couple hundred student athletes. Which they could use for textbooks, computers, food and much more. It costs approximately $35.00 per test which is like $63,000 and plus steroid tests cost roughly $100 (Danielle Aspuru). They could use on textbooks and other school supplies which would have affected everyone but the drug test only affects few. When colleges look at what they did as a teen, it could ruin their whole career and it could obtain them from getting a athletic scholarship. They shouldn't test students for drugs because it will be on there high school record. Besides the things people do as teens usually regret as adults (Joseph C.