Drug Testing Pros And Cons Essay

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There are many debates going on right now, but one of the more interesting ones is the drug testing of athletes. Some people believe that everyone should be drug tested so that all players are playing on the same level. Other parts of the population believe that drug testing is invading the athlete personal business and argue that if he or she doesn’t want to test, then we should not force them as it is their own decision. However, in my opinion, we should drug test all athletes so that everyone starts out with their own natural ability.
I believe that the drug testing of athletes is a good thing for a number of reasons. One reason is the fact that “half of high school seniors have used an illicit drug by the time they graduate and about one-quarter …show more content…

However according to research, “[researchers] are diligent about collection procedures and lab analysis, privacy issues and follow-up for kids found to have used drugs,” meaning they will not tell everyone if you are found guilty of drug use (Roan). Also critics of drug testing state that drug testing “may actually increase drug use”(ALCU) . However, according to a study done, “it says that over one-quarter have reduced their frequency of drug use.” (Addiction). Finally, critics believe that the school will presume an athlete “guilty unless proven innocence” and the athlete will feel” embarrassed in the presence of school official” and think the official are out to get them (ALCU). However, this is not the case, as it is not used to punish athletes, but to help them. All they want to do is to detect drug abuse early so that the athlete doesn’t get addicted later in life. Research have stated that athletes who avoid “drinking and using drugs before age twenty-one are far less likely to abuse drugs or develop an addiction later” (Overdose). Drug testing helps by finding drug use earlier in the athlete’s life and guide them into counseling or treatment programs before they develop addictions. They are not there to hurt the players but to help them which many people think the opposite