Pros And Cons Of Doping In Sports

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Drugs take you to hell, disguised as heaven” a quote by Donald Lyn Frost. Just as Donald Lyn Frost said, drugs can take you to hell faster than anything can. Doping can be bad for you in anyway you can think of but according to some people think that athletes need to stop being treated like children. Doping has many negative health effects, surprise drug testing, anti doping organizations and why it’s so widespread. One reason why doping should be illegal in all professional sports is that it has negative health effects. “Doping in Sports Pros and Cons” by Health Research Funding said, “Over many years of constantly taking drugs a person can experience diminished athletic performance” (“Doping in Sports Pros and Cons”). Not only does …show more content…

“Testing must be possible anywhere without warning on a year-round basis.” (“Athletes Must Learn to Live with Drug Testing”). This quote shows that no matter what athletes should be able to be drug tested without any problems, to show that they aren’t using drugs. “Drug testing of athletes is becoming common in all sports to one degree or another. This raises the constitutional issues including the right to privacy and due process protections from illegal searches and seizures, particularly since testing involves an analysis of a sample from urine and blood.” (“Drugs and Testing”). This direct quote from “Drugs and Testing” article states that the athletes should be tested anywhere at anytime, without it being an invasion of privacy. Athletes must inform anti - doping authorities three month in advance of their whereabouts for an hour each day to facilitate out - of - competition testing. They can change their schedule but they have to notify their anti- doping ‘coach’. This summarization of Christopher Cleary’s article states that they have a ‘coach’ to monitor if they are doping or not, which is smart. You may be against surprise drug testing but if it's not a fair game, would you really want to see