Aminata Diallo In Book Of Negroes By Lawrence Hill

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The slave trade is a continuing matter that started back in the early 16th century, it impacts everyone throughout the world. Lawrence Hill, an award-winning author, wrote the powerful novel ‘Book of Negroes’ to follow a young girl's journey and the way she survived. The girl’s name is Aminata Diallo, she was born, raised, and raised in Bayo, Africa. She was able to survive and adjust to their type of lifestyle due to her past knowledge. The past knowledge her parents had taught her, she used it to her advantage to avoid getting abused and mistreated. One can use one skill and put it to use with another, a special skill some would call. Knowing what she knew, she was able to demonstrate her ability and ingenuity while also benefiting from it. …show more content…

They were threatened to be sent abroad for the actions they did or did not follow. With Aminata Diallo being able to understand and communicate with the Toubabu’s, she would attempt to ease them, get them to comply, and be more patient with the captives. With Aminata knowing Bamanankan, much like Maninka, she used it to the advantage which got her in with the medicine man. He fed her, kept her safe, and cared for her when she promised, “you help me, I help you” (Hill 90). While the medicine man is tending to her, she slowly watches the captives and captors get unwell, and stare, then be thrown overboard. This shows how lucky she was to survive and to get an advantage because of her small amount of knowledge. Throughout her journey on the ship, the medicine man was seen bringing in different women and the toubabu’s had a say in what they did. Aminata was a curious child, “I remember wondering, within a year or two or taking my first steps, why only men sat to drink tea and converse, and why women were always busy. I reasoned that men were weak and needed rest” (Hill

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